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Wed 3:31 PM : now playing:  Jazz on a Summer's Afternoon
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WMBR Special Events Calendar This Month

FAVELA DISCOS (Porto, PT) Batsaykhan, Dies Lexic, Animal Hospital, Gekiga Warlord

Was aired on the program: Near and Far
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Don't know much about history, but I do know that if you find yourself in Porto, Portugal, you might find time to stop by Atelier Logicofobista and check the music of Favela Records. If you're like me, it might change your life. Tonight's show is just a sampler, and more, featuring Tentenko, Batsaykhan, The Growth Eternal, Dies Lexic, mui zyu, FAUXE, Animal Hospital, Nacho,HHY & The Macumbas, Bezbog, Hirotika, GEKIGA WARLORD, Blawan and more. Thx for listening! Archive: mixcloud.com/iancondry

For more information about this event, contact:
Ian Condry


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