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WMBR's Signal Coverage Area
The following image depicts WMBR's predicted coverage area:
- Red: Estimated
F(50,50) field strength > 60 dBu - Signal should be strong
- Violet: Estimated
F(50,50) field strength > 50 dBu - Signal may be medium to weak
- Blue: Estimated
F(50,50) field strength > 40 dBu - Signal will be weak or unreceivable

- The red
60 dBu contour designates WMBR's protected
service area as defined by the FCC.
- "dBu" refers to dB μV/m which is a logarithmic unit referenced to 1 microvolt per meter.
See this
Wikipedia article for more information.
- "F(50, 50)" refers to the charts used by the FCC to predict
the electromagnetic field strength occurring at 50% of receivers
50% of the time.